Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fitting in Fitness


Do you know how much exercise the average school age child is supposed to get?
According to the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, children need 60 minutes of physical activity a day!!Remember that physical activity can mean a variety of different things and there are many options for kids.

When I was a kid I loved to be outside! My summers were filled with bike riding, swimming and kickball. What were some of your favorite activities? Introduce them to your kids! Summer isn't the only season for outdoor physical activities, sledding, snowball fights, raking and gardening are all great year round activities!

Signing your children up for sports can be very beneficial to their health. Organized sports encourage positive relationships, provide children with social interactions, physical activity, responsibility and help with qualities such as sportsmanship. However, please, please, please keep in mind sports are supposed to be positive experience for children. Let your child choose which activities they want to be involved in and remember sports are to be an enjoyable aspect of their life.

 Many places are now offering your favorite workouts for children! My rockclimbing gym offers kids classes every Saturday morning! Classes like "crossfit kids" "zumba kids" and "young yoga" are popping up everywhere!

If time, transportation and supervision are an issue in your busy life there are also great at home options. The Wii has transformed the world of video games, buy and suggest that your children play the games that get their heart beating the fastest! You could also introduce your kids to at home workouts like this one...

Quick tips!
A child is more excited to be active if they enjoy the activity!
Don’t make getting exercise complicated!
Be good role modles, engage in these activities with them.
Encourage activities that they can enjoy throughout their life time (swimming, cycling, jogging)!

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