Tuesday, January 10, 2012

If at first you don't succeed...

I'm sure you've heard it before, but....YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Childhood obesity in America is at an all time high and unfortunately obesity leads to other health conditions. Diabetes, joint problems, high blood pressure/cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, low self-esteem, sleep apnea, and increased risk of many kinds of cancer are just a few issues that come along with being obese.

Diet and exercise play a huge role in this epidemic.
Introduce your kids to new healthy foods!

It has been said that children need to try a new food TEN times before their taste buds can decide whether or not they like it! Many healthy foods can be prepared in a variety of ways. Provide you child with ample opportunities to try the same food, not just ten bites in the same sitting! Be creative with your preparation, bright colors and dunkable foods are often appealing to children! Encourage them to pick out new things they want to try in the produce section of the grocery store while shopping and let them help in the kitchen!!

If you are still having trouble with picky eaters try some of these---> Helpful Hints for incorporating new foods!

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