Monday, January 16, 2012

Go Green!

Buying on a Budget

 Fresh, local and organic foods have proven to not only be the tastiest but the best for you, however these things can be expensive! The FDA has put together a list of the foods they have deem the "dirty dozen" (fruits and vegetables that even after washing still have high levels of pesticide residue). The following are the most important fruits and veggies to buy organic.

  • Apples
  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Nectarines
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Bell peppers
  • Celery
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach

While trying to save it is also important to remember the grocery store isn't the only place to purchase food, in fact, you may be more satisfied with your purchases if you shop local! Farmers Markets and local farm stands tend to boast ripe fresh produce and sometimes even carry eggs! Wholesale stores like Sam's and BJ's are great for the items you use frequently and consume in large quantities . If you have the time and space you could even consider growing your own fruits and veggies!

The following is a quick list of tips too keep in mind while shopping for your families groceries:

  • Do NOT shop when you are hungry!
  • I've heard multiple times that shopping without your children (and spouses!) helps limit the amount of "junk" you buy and keeps cost down!
  • If you do bring your kids, let them have a say in what you buy especially in the produce section! If they pick it they are more apt to eat it.
  • "Treats" should be exactly that. Don't let your child fall victim to wanting something because of the packaging or ads.  
  • Write a list, and stick to it!
  • Buy in bulk! Your freezer is your friend!
  • Make your meat go further, incorporate beans, legumes and other protein rich foods into your recipes.
  • Buy fruits and veggies that are in season. 
  • Compare unit prices and buy generic brands (often they have all the same ingredeints and nutrition facts)
  • Plan on making meals that you can eat more than once, for example cook a turkey on sunday and have turkey sandwiches Monday and turkey soup Wednesday!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fitting in Fitness


Do you know how much exercise the average school age child is supposed to get?
According to the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, children need 60 minutes of physical activity a day!!Remember that physical activity can mean a variety of different things and there are many options for kids.

When I was a kid I loved to be outside! My summers were filled with bike riding, swimming and kickball. What were some of your favorite activities? Introduce them to your kids! Summer isn't the only season for outdoor physical activities, sledding, snowball fights, raking and gardening are all great year round activities!

Signing your children up for sports can be very beneficial to their health. Organized sports encourage positive relationships, provide children with social interactions, physical activity, responsibility and help with qualities such as sportsmanship. However, please, please, please keep in mind sports are supposed to be positive experience for children. Let your child choose which activities they want to be involved in and remember sports are to be an enjoyable aspect of their life.

 Many places are now offering your favorite workouts for children! My rockclimbing gym offers kids classes every Saturday morning! Classes like "crossfit kids" "zumba kids" and "young yoga" are popping up everywhere!

If time, transportation and supervision are an issue in your busy life there are also great at home options. The Wii has transformed the world of video games, buy and suggest that your children play the games that get their heart beating the fastest! You could also introduce your kids to at home workouts like this one...

Quick tips!
A child is more excited to be active if they enjoy the activity!
Don’t make getting exercise complicated!
Be good role modles, engage in these activities with them.
Encourage activities that they can enjoy throughout their life time (swimming, cycling, jogging)!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Consistency is Key!

Students perform best in school when they know what is expected of them. When there is predictability in their day students transition more smoothly from one thing to the next. Now I’m not saying a little change is bad, and I defenitly hope all students can be flexible and accept change, however studies show (especially for students with special needs) that knowing what their day is going to be like creates a sense of security.

So if this idea works in the classroom why not try it at home?!

Mornings can be a crazy hectic time. Starting off your day in a stressful way will not set a good foundation for your mood for the rest of the day. A routine may help everyone get off to a great start. Ideas like putting your child’s lunch or backpack in the same place everyday, laying out clothes the night before, trying to wake up at the same time everyday, and allowing an ample amount of time for a healthy breakfast may make a huge difference!
When and where does your child do homework? Have a routine! If your son/daughter knows that everyday when they come home from school the first thing they must do is homework, there may be less battles. Consistency is key! Specific children work best at different times of the day and in different conditions. Figure out what works best for you and your family and stick to it!
Getting enough sleep is vital to school age children. Have a bedtime routine! Turn tasks such as teeth brushing and face washing into a nightly ritual that occurs at the same time every night. Rather than bedtime being a punishment make is something your child expects and enjoys. Try incorporating something that your child may look forward to such as reading them a chapter from a book, or discussing both the “high” and “low” of their day

At the beginning of each month, a friend of mine and her 8 year old create a monthly calendar. She uses a large poster board gridded with sharpie. She then fills in all the important events for the month and their normal weekly schedule events; “dance” on Tuesdays, “wear gym shoes!” on Wednesday (her class has PE), “dinner at grandmas” on Sundays, ect. Then she lets her daughter go to town crafting and coloring and decorating the calendar! The ability to go to bed knowing what to expect the next morning, or wake up and see what the day will hold mentally prepares her daughter and secures a sense of predictability in her day. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

If at first you don't succeed...

I'm sure you've heard it before, but....YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Childhood obesity in America is at an all time high and unfortunately obesity leads to other health conditions. Diabetes, joint problems, high blood pressure/cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, low self-esteem, sleep apnea, and increased risk of many kinds of cancer are just a few issues that come along with being obese.

Diet and exercise play a huge role in this epidemic.
Introduce your kids to new healthy foods!

It has been said that children need to try a new food TEN times before their taste buds can decide whether or not they like it! Many healthy foods can be prepared in a variety of ways. Provide you child with ample opportunities to try the same food, not just ten bites in the same sitting! Be creative with your preparation, bright colors and dunkable foods are often appealing to children! Encourage them to pick out new things they want to try in the produce section of the grocery store while shopping and let them help in the kitchen!!

If you are still having trouble with picky eaters try some of these---> Helpful Hints for incorporating new foods!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Choosing good Choices

Recently I was told that I had to create a blog. At first I was hesitant.  I feel the best blogs are inspired by passion and not viewed as a task (which was exactly how I was viewing it). With mixed emotions about this assignment I started throwing around some topic ideas. I have no idea why I found this to be such a daunting task....I am NOT passionless and I love to write!  Then it finally came to me.

2011 has been a life altering year. This year has made me want to become a healthier better version of myself. I am actively trying to make smarter choices and get on the road to sustainable happiness!  With that being said, this blog is going to feature information and ideas about healthy lifestyle options for parents and their children and the effect they have on their day to day life and education.

Blogs written by other passionate people that I find interesting/inspiring:
Super Healthy Kids
Healthy Child!
The White House Blog